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‘We’re Gonna Make It': Bob Rabbit Transforms His Beats Into a Heroic Mission - Published in Phoenix New Times October 2019

‘We’re Gonna Make It': Bob Rabbit Transforms His Beats Into a Heroic Mission   ANTHONY WALLACE By day, Rob Rigolfi sets the vibes at Echo Coffee in Scottsdale. By night, the barista pores over a keyboard and drum machine to make beats. They’re amiable and idiosyncratic in the style of Mac DeMarco, often swirled into samples from classic records à la J Dilla. Rigolfi doesn’t always work alone. Among his most frequent collaborators is Rony Pierre, a 30-year-old native Haitian gospel singer. Rigolfi and Pierre are two charismatic creatives who come from different worlds. Their fateful meeting has had powerful consequences. It has yielded interesting artistic work and tangible benefit to disadvantaged children born into poverty. Rigolfi goes by Bob Rabbit, selling his beats, merch, and fully fleshed-out tunes on his website, with every dollar generated going to  the nonprofit Bob Rabbit Project. Rigolfi says that the vision for his project crystallized during a pivotal

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